Sven Eisenhut & Fabian Walter

Sven Eisenhut & Fabian Walter

Q&A with the Founders of Art Salon Zürich

Do we believe this is a good time for a new art fair?

Yes, the actual times are challenging, for us in the fair business and most probably for you as a gallery.
As the creators of photo basel art fair, we are constantly trying to implement new initiatives such as the virtual show, augmented and virtual reality. We are glad that we are at the forefront of these technologies – but at the same time we also realize how crucial “physical” encounters are - As you know, we operate in an industry where trust and personal relationships are key and play a very central role.

Who runs the fair?

Art Salon Zürich is the brainchild of Fabian J. Walter and Sven Eisenhut.
Fabian J. Walter, who together with his wife Claude, founded their gallery in 1986 in Basel before moving permanently to Zürich in 2002. In addition, they have been avid fair goers (either as participants with their gallery or as visitors), from Basel to Asia to Miami. Fabian is also a founding member of the Swiss Art Market Association and currently the president of the Swiss art gallery association.
Sven Eisenhut is the Founding Director of photo basel art fair - the fair was launched 2015 and takes place annually during acclaimed Art Basel week in Basel. Sven is a native Basler who lives and works in Basel.

What is to be expected?

Art Salon Zürich is your boutique fair that is deeply locally rooted and internationally connected.
The Art Salon Zürich wants to delight its audience (visitors and collectors alike) with exciting and collectible art and also design objects in the field of modern and contemporary art mostly created after 1945 (post war).
For it’s inaugural edition, running from October 6th-10th, the fair expects to exhibit roughly 25-35 galleries mainly from Europe. In a second phase and at a later stage, when the foundation is solid, the fair may expand to 50 exhibitors. Our aim really is to grow at a sustainable pace and truly focus on the needs of our exhibitors first. Quality beats quantity.

What are some insights about the location?

As Zürich is the economic capital of Switzerland, it is fair to say that it is hard to find a good location. With the Werkstadt Zürich, the fair will occupy an area an area of railway sheds and sidings sandwiched between the main station and Altstetten. This spot is one of the last large development zones in downtown Zürich. Its unique atmosphere coupled with its proximity to both the city center and Zürich University of the Arts, its excellent bus, tram, and train connections, as well as plenty of parking spaces at the nearby Letzipark shopping mall, make it the perfect setting for an exciting and successful premiere! 

What are the professional objectives and goals of the the fair?

Art Salon Zürich

– provide a networking platform for galleries, art dealers, collectors, and all art lovers 

– foster its visitors’ interest in classical modernism, contemporary art and design 

– boost the Swiss art scene as a whole, including galleries and artists outside the Zürich region 

– implement a top-flight program of events and give upcoming artists a platform 

– guarantee an impeccably professional art fair that is tailored to exhibitors’ needs and interests. 

Can galleries share a booth with fellow colleagues?

Yes! Sharing a booth with a fellow gallerist or art dealer is something we want to highlight and encourage our exhibitors to do. We are totally open for collaborations between gallerist and respective dealers.

What is the greater metropolitan area of Zürich like?

Zürich has an established and globally unique cluster of galleries, off-spaces, art-oriented educational institutions, collections and museums - a prerequisite for a lively and multi-layered art scene. Did you know that the metropolitan area of Zürich, together with the region of eastern and northwestern Switzerland, comprises around 5.5 million inhabitants and is an economic super magnet? We guess it is fair to say, that Zürich is Switzerland’s most sophisticated, if not most hedonistic city Switzerland. Moreover, more than 1.5 billion Swiss francs are spent on art every year.

Will you help and assist with logistics?

Our vast experience from producing art fairs makes us a valuable source of know-ledge when it comes to logistics, art handling, finding hotels / airbnbs and also make reservations at restaurants. As locals we feel like your hosts, and great hosts become your key to the city.

Why do you call the fair a “hybrid model” - will there be a virtual platform in addition of the physical fair?

Yes indeed, in addition to the physical fair, Art Salon Zürich will also have a parallel digital format to appeal to that segment of its target audience that cannot travel to Zurich in person. Thanks to this hybrid setting, the dialogue with all art market players that the fair sets out to foster will continue long after the fair itself is over, making the Art Salon Zürich an important year-round platform as well. 

What about the pandemic situation in Switzerland?

As in almost every country around the globe, the pandemic is currently a challenge for us. Not only do we comply with all the safety and hygienic regulations requested by the federal governement, but we also keep a close relationship with the Canton Zürich and it’s health care officials.
Of course we implement various safety-concepts while planning the fair. Our goal is to built a safe and pleasant environment for all our stakeholders.

What have you planend in regards of marketing campaigns?

The marketing of Art Salon Zürich will be clearly targeted and tailored to the desired positioning of the fair. Of fundamental importance here will be the press and publicity work, which will be handled internally by the fair organizers, supported by PR agencies as and where necessary. Thanks to their years of experience, both the organizers and the galleries taking part in the fair already have access to a vast network of national and international collectors, who can be contacted directly and invited to attend. It goes without saying that there will also be an efficient social media campaign concentrated mainly on Instagram and Facebook. To round off the marketing work, there will also be ads placed in art and design periodicals as well as in complementary magazines and journals. Numerous media partnerships will allow us to establish a permanent online and offline presence. 

Until when can galleries & art dealers apply for the fair?

Applications are open as of now and close on June 30th, 2021. We truly want to give everyone enough time to evaluate the current situation with enough care before making a decision. However, should the fair be cancelled due to the pandemic, all paid fees will be fully reimbursed (except the application fee).

How can you be contacted?

We are reachable at and you can reach Sven at +41 76 423 91 91


About Sven & Fabian

Fabian J. Walter, who together with his wife Claude, established their gallery 1986 formerly in Basel before moving permanently to Zürich in 2002. Mr. Walter is also Founding Member of the Swiss Art Market Association and president of the Swiss art gallery Association.

Sven Eisenhut is the Founding Director of
photo basel art fair. Sven created the fair aged 32 in 2015 and sees himself as a thoroughbred fair organizer and avid global networker. Since 2015, photo basel takes place concurrently with Art Basel in Basel. In Septemeber 2020, photo basel launched its first outpost in Berlin, taking the fair international.


Art Salon Zürich kicks off in